Kids Yoga


Yoga encourages children to explore their bodies, hearts and minds.

Randi Jo’s Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids classes teach patience, imagination, focus, flexibility, balance and strength! Children will learn to become quiet or energized as needed through exercises and breath work they can do anywhere.
Your child will be saying “I can do it!”


Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Classes

PCSD Elementary Programs

PARLEYS PARK - Mondays, 3:15-4:15 pm

Fall: Oct. 7 – Dec. 9 (No class 10/14, 11/25)

Winter: Jan. 27 - Mar. 24 (No class 2/17)

Spring: March 31 - June 2 (No class 4/14)

McPOLIN - Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15 pm

Fall: Oct. 8 – Dec. 10 (No class 10/15, 11/26)

Winter: Jan. 28- Mar. 25 (No class 2/18)  

Spring: April 1 - May 27 (No class 4/15)


TRAILSIDE - Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 pm

Fall: Oct. 9 – Dec 11 (No class 10/16, 11/27)

Winter: Jan. 29 - Mar. 26 (No class 2/19)

Spring: April 2 – May 28 (No class 4/16)  

JEREMY RANCH - Thursdays, 3:15-4:15 pm

Fall: October 10 – Dec. 12 (No class 10/17, 11/28)

Winter: January 30 - Mar. 27 (No class 2/20)  

Spring: April 3 – May 29 (No class 4/17)

Questions? Contact: Jane Toly (Leisure Learning Coordinator, Park City School District) 435-615-0215

Weilenmann Elementary Programs

2024 WEILENMANN - Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 pm.

Fall: Oct. 9 – Dec 11 (No class 10/16, 11/27)

Winter: Jan. 29 - Mar. 26 (No class 2/19)

Spring: April 2 – May 28 (No class 4/16)  

2024 Shining Stars Cooperative Preschool

Thursdays, 12:50-1:50 pm.

Feb 1-March 28 (no class 2/22)

Kids Yoga & Mindfulness

Kids Yoga is back for the winter/spring!

This class teaches patience, imagination, flexibility, balance and strength.


BASIN REC FIELD HOUSE - Fridays, 4:00-5:00pm

1/17, 2/7, 3/21, 4/25, 5/16

kids who wishes to take the class will need to be potty trained and pre-registered.

$8 per class

Homeschool Yoga in PArk City Utah

Join us for kid’s yoga and mindfulness in Park City, UT